Financial Freedom: Journal Prompts for Money Mindset

Attention all goddesses out there: are you ready to manifest abundance into your life? Do you want to let go of limiting beliefs and achieve financial freedom? If you’ve answered yes to both questions, then you’re in the right place. Today, I’m going to share with you some effective journal prompts for money mindset that can help you transform your relationship with money. So, grab your pen or laptop, and let’s dive in!

What is your current financial situation?

First, we need to define where we are at the moment. Financial awareness is crucial in setting financial goals. Take some time to examine your current financial situation. List down your income and expenses, assets, and liabilities. Be honest with yourself and do not judge. This journal prompt will give you a clearer picture of what you need to work on.

What are your limiting beliefs about money?

Limiting beliefs are the negative thoughts that we believe as true about money. We’ve heard the sayings, “Money is the root of all evil” or “I can never be wealthy because of my background”. These beliefs block us from manifesting abundance into our lives. Write your limiting beliefs and challenge them with positive affirmations.

What is your ideal financial situation?

We need to have a clear vision of what we are manifesting. In this journal prompt, write your financial goals and how you feel when you achieve them. Consider different aspects of your ideal financial situation – income, savings, business, and investments. Specify these aspects as much as you can. This journal prompt will give you the motivation to work towards your vision.

What is your attitude towards money?

Our attitude towards money shapes our relationship with it. Our words, thoughts, and actions determine how much money we will attract. In this journal prompt, reflect on your attitude towards money. Do you believe that money flows easily to you, or do you struggle to earn and keep it? Write your money affirmations and declare them every day.

What are you grateful for in terms of money?

Gratitude is a powerful force that attracts more abundance into our lives. In this journal prompt, write what you are grateful for in terms of money. Acknowledge your blessings and how they have contributed to your current financial situation. Expressing gratitude strengthens your relationship with money and opens the door for more opportunities.

And there you have it, my lovely ladies: the five journal prompts for money mindset that can help you shift your relationship with money. You have the power to manifest abundance into your life, but it starts with your mindset. Remember, it’s not about the amount of money you have, but your attitude towards it. Be conscious of your thoughts and beliefs about money, and use these journal prompts to transform them into positive ones. With a bit of patience, faith, and action, you’ll amaze yourself at how the universe will bless you with financial freedom.


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