Menstrual Cycle: The Ovulatory Phase

The Ovulatory Phase. This is the shortest time of our cycle - it can last only 24 hours, sometimes! It’s the peak of our energy, and we are never more ready to express ourselves than at this time. It’s time to connect, communicate, and create. This is where you attract what you’ve been pursuing, your need to be seen and heard, and your ideal picture of confidence.

For a lot of us, it’s about a time of sexy confidence - hot girl summer - especially since our sex drive is at its peak. It’s also the time to try to get pregnant (or avoid) if that’s something that you’re striving for.

During this short time, you may feel on top of the world. Any stressful situation or important talk that you need to have; work on them now. Even if things don’t work out, you have high self-esteem, and it will be easier to push through difficult things and keep your focus on self-progressing.

Self-care can look like a social activity, something that nurtures yourself and your friends or family.

Keywords to focus on are glow and passion. You’re burning fast, but it’s bright. This is also a time of intense productivity, so don’t waste it. Put that energy into good use and get some work done, whether it’s for your job, a side hustle, or a passion project. End this phase feeling fulfilled to prepare yourself for the luteal phase.


You’re glowing! It may only be one day, but embrace it. Protect your skin no matter the amount of makeup you wear, and if you want to try a new style, the confidence you have right now will only enhance your features.

Exfoliate and use AHAs, this is the time to go for stronger stuff. Try a facial and deep clean those pores.

You’re ready to go hard in your workouts. Don’t start something, but progress on the progress you made in the follicular phase, and create a goal for yourself to accomplish. Focus on high-intensity, HIIT-type, or a weight workout. Put aside time to stretch long, workout long, and cool down long - the next phase is all about turning inwards, so focus on pushing yourself at this time.

Social connection is high, so try a group workout or a class if that’s something you would enjoy! It’s much easier to push yourself if you bring along a friend to compete with.

Take the time to cool down after working out. Unfortunately, this phase is so short and some of us are prone to long luteal phases, with lots of PMS symptoms and aches. Stretch deep and drink lots of water. Your skin may look and feel great, but support it just as you would on your worst skin day, to maintain its glow for as long as possible.


Think of summer foods: fresh, raw, juicy, green, lean, and clean. Go for juices, salads, and lightly steamed or sautéed bowls. Have less carbs overall, but provide the same amount of calories through more protein and healthy fats. High-fiber fruits are great to match your high energy.

Support your muscles during this time -  you won’t want to lose all the progress you made by not providing your body with the best meals. Center the majority of your carbs around the time you workout to use their energy wisely.

Avoid salty foods. While it’s best to avoid snacking, sometimes big meals are hard at this time, so aim for snacking in the form of fruits and nuts. You can switch out snacks and small meals with smoothies, but make sure they are providing you with enough calories.

While every phase is dependent on the one before them, this is very true for the ovulatory/luteal switch, and I find it’s very, very true for how you eat during the switch. Focus on your future menstrual phase and the symptoms that tend to come before it. The better you eat now, the easier your PMS symptoms may be.

(A list detailing key foods and nutrients to focus on will be listed at the end of this post.)


Again, this phase doesn’t last long and it may only be one night for some people. You might find it easy to sleep and stay asleep easily. Focus on wearing out your energy through physical activity, and try to end the day with a sense of accomplishment, so you feel content as you fall into bed.

The Ovulatory Phase is our most vibrant and passionate phase. It can feel like a meaningful time - if we play it right, it can even feel like the “perfect day”. Continue working on goals and staying in tune with your body. Enhance those beautiful features of yours to feel sexy and magnetic, if you so desire!

It’s not about reaching for perfection, but if there was ever a time for you to start the day strong and end the day strong - it’s now.

Nutrients To Focus On:

  • B Vitamins

  • Omega-3s

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • Fiber

Key Foods:

  • Peppers

  • Tomato

  • Eggplant

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Leafy greens

  • Eggs

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Green juices

  • Apricots

  • Berries

  • Salmon and shrimp

  • Coconut

Like this post? Check out our other posts about the Menstrual Cycle.


Are You Scared To Fall Asleep?


Menstrual Cycle: The Follicular Phase