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The Ultimate College Junior's Guide

In this comprehensive guide, we'll uncover the strategies and insights that will help you navigate the intricate balance between excelling in your studies, crafting a path towards your dream career, and nurturing your personal development.

Welcome to the pivotal juncture of your college journey – junior year. As you step into this chapter, you'll find yourself at the crossroads of academic rigor, career preparation, and personal growth. It's a stage where you'll not only delve deeper into your chosen field of study but also make critical decisions that will shape your post-graduation trajectory. In this comprehensive guide, we'll uncover the strategies and insights that will help you navigate the intricate balance between excelling in your studies, crafting a path towards your dream career, and nurturing your personal development.

The junior year isn't just about attending classes and acing exams; it's about embracing holistic growth. As you immerse yourself in more advanced coursework, internships, and research opportunities, you'll develop a profound understanding of your academic interests and strengths. Simultaneously, the pressure to make career-related decisions intensifies. Should you pursue graduate studies, enter the job market, or consider alternative paths? These questions can be overwhelming, but fear not – we'll explore actionable steps to align your aspirations with pragmatic career choices. Beyond academics and career, personal development also takes center stage. Your junior year is an opportune moment to nurture your passions, enhance your skills, and foster a healthy work-life balance that will serve as a foundation for years to come.

Throughout this guide, we'll dive into the art of time management, effective study techniques, networking strategies, and personal well-being practices tailored to the unique challenges of junior year. Whether you're aiming to secure coveted internships, maintain an impressive GPA, or simply find time for self-care amidst the whirlwind of commitments, this guide has you covered. By the time you're through, you'll be armed with the knowledge and tools to not only survive but thrive during this crucial phase of your college journey. So, let's embark on this transformative adventure together and make your junior year a stepping stone toward a successful and fulfilling future.

With more complex coursework, demanding assignments, and an ever-expanding array of commitments, mastering the delicate equilibrium between intellectual growth and personal well-being becomes paramount. In the following section, we'll delve into five essential strategies that will empower you to tackle the challenges of junior year head-on, ensuring that your academic pursuits not only flourish but also contribute to your overall development.

1. Embrace Advanced Learning

As a college junior, you're delving deeper into your major, encountering complex theories, and engaging in higher-level discussions. Embrace this academic evolution with enthusiasm. Seek out courses that align with your passions and challenge your intellect. While the workload might increase, remember that this is an opportunity to truly master your field of study. Stay engaged in class discussions, ask questions, and connect with professors who can guide you through the intricacies of your chosen subject.

2. Master Time Management

Balancing advanced coursework, assignments, and extracurricular commitments demands impeccable time management skills. Consider adopting a digital calendar or planner to keep track of classes, study sessions, and deadlines. Break down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks to prevent last-minute rushes. Prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines, and allocate time for both focused study sessions and relaxation. Developing a consistent routine will help you maintain a sense of control and reduce stress.

3. Utilize Effective Study Techniques

With the complexity of junior-level courses, it's essential to refine your study techniques. Active learning methods such as summarizing lecture notes, creating flashcards, and teaching concepts to others can deepen your understanding and retention. Experiment with different study environments to identify what suits you best, whether it's the library, a quiet café, or a dedicated study space. Collaborate with peers to form study groups, enabling collective problem-solving and shared insights.

4. Seek Support and Feedback

Don't hesitate to reach out for help when needed. Professors, teaching assistants, and academic advisors are valuable resources. If you're struggling with a particular topic, seek clarification during office hours or after class. Additionally, gather feedback on your assignments to identify areas for improvement. Constructive criticism is an essential part of growth, and making use of it can enhance the quality of your work over time.

5. Maintain Work-Life Balance

While academic excellence is crucial, remember that balance is key to avoiding burnout. Designate time for relaxation, hobbies, and social interactions. Engage in physical activity to release stress and boost your overall well-being. Prioritize sleep and nourishing meals, as a healthy body and mind contribute to better academic performance. Recognize that taking breaks doesn't equate to slacking off – it's an essential component of maintaining sustainable productivity.

Balancing academics as a junior in college requires a strategic approach that combines enthusiasm for learning, effective time management, refined study techniques, seeking support, and nurturing your overall well-being. By mastering these aspects, you'll not only excel in your coursework but also pave the way for a successful and rewarding academic journey.

You also need not forget about your ever-nearing graduation date and the subsequent journey into a full-time career.

Junior year presents a unique opportunity to proactively shape your path, refining your aspirations and acquiring the skills and experiences that will set you apart in the competitive job market.

1. Clarify Your Professional Goals

As a college junior, the time has come to clarify your vision for your post-graduation career. Reflect on your academic experiences, passions, and strengths to identify the industries and roles that align with your aspirations. Consider seeking guidance from career counselors, mentors, and professionals in your desired field to gain insights into the various paths available. Defining your goals now will serve as a guiding light as you make decisions about internships, coursework, and networking opportunities.

2. Build a Strategic Network

Networking is more than just collecting business cards; it's about cultivating meaningful relationships that can open doors to opportunities. Attend career fairs, workshops, and industry events to connect with professionals and peers. Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn to build an online presence that showcases your academic achievements and interests. Don't hesitate to reach out to alumni who can provide valuable advice and potential mentorship. A robust network can provide insights, recommendations, and even job referrals that can significantly impact your career trajectory.

3. Pursue Internships and Experiential Learning

Junior year is an ideal time to gain hands-on experience in your chosen field. Seek out internships, co-op programs, or research opportunities that align with your career goals. These experiences offer a platform to apply classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios, develop practical skills, and build your professional portfolio. Internships not only enhance your resume but also help you identify the work environments and industries that resonate with you the most.

4. Develop Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is a powerful tool that showcases your unique skills, values, and experiences. Craft a compelling resume and tailor your cover letters to reflect each specific opportunity you pursue. Consistency is key across your online presence, from your LinkedIn profile to any personal website or portfolio you create. Consider blogging or sharing your insights on relevant topics to establish yourself as a thoughtful leader in your field. As you develop your personal brand, remember that authenticity and transparency are the cornerstones of building a lasting professional reputation.

5. Hone Your Interview and Communication Skills

As you progress into your junior year, the likelihood of interviews for internships and post-graduation positions increases. Practice your interview skills through mock interviews or career workshops offered by your university's career center. Work on articulating your experiences, skills, and aspirations concisely and confidently. Effective communication extends beyond interviews; refine your email etiquette, networking conversation strategies, and even public speaking abilities. Strong communication skills are invaluable in conveying your value to potential employers and collaborators.

By actively engaging in these career preparation strategies during your junior year, you'll be positioning yourself as a competitive candidate in your desired field. Remember that career preparation is not just about securing a job after graduation, but about shaping a trajectory that aligns with your passions and allows you to make a meaningful impact in your chosen industry.

Amidst the academic challenges and career aspirations of your junior year, it's crucial to recognize that personal growth forms an integral part of your college journey. This phase offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery, skill development, and embracing experiences that will shape not only your college experience but also your life beyond graduation. In this section, we'll explore the avenues for fostering personal growth, from honing essential life skills to prioritizing self-care and embracing opportunities for leadership and community involvement. By immersing yourself in these strategies, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more well-rounded and empowered individual.

1. Develop Life Skills

College is not only about textbooks and lectures; it's a laboratory for life skills. Junior year is the perfect time to master skills that extend beyond the classroom. Whether it's financial literacy, time management, or effective communication, these abilities will serve you well in both your personal and professional life. Seek out workshops, seminars, or online resources that can help you enhance these skills, empowering you to navigate various aspects of adulthood with confidence.

2. Prioritize Self-Care

The demands of academia and career preparation can be overwhelming, making self-care all the more essential. Prioritize your mental, emotional, and physical well-being by establishing routines that include regular exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices. Allow yourself moments of relaxation and leisure to recharge. Recognize that self-care isn't a luxury but a necessity for sustained productivity and overall happiness.

3. Embrace Leadership and Extracurriculars

Junior year is a prime time to take on leadership roles in clubs, organizations, or community initiatives. Engaging in extracurricular activities not only enriches your college experience but also hones your leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills. Leadership positions provide opportunities to initiate positive change, build connections, and leave a lasting impact on your campus or community.

4. Seek Diversity and Inclusion

Personal growth thrives in environments that celebrate diversity and promote inclusion. Engage with individuals from different backgrounds, perspectives, and cultures. Participate in discussions, events, and initiatives that foster understanding and collaboration. By broadening your horizons, you'll cultivate empathy, adaptability, and a global perspective that's invaluable in our interconnected world.

5. Set Personal Goals

Alongside your academic and career objectives, set personal goals that reflect your passions and aspirations. These could range from reading a certain number of books in a year to learning a new skill or language. Setting and achieving personal goals not only boosts your confidence but also adds layers of richness to your life outside of your formal education.

By investing in your personal growth during your junior year, you're making a commitment to becoming a more resilient, adaptable, and fulfilled individual. Remember that these endeavors are not separate from your academic and career pursuits but integral to creating a holistic and successful college experience.

As you've journeyed through the intricate landscape of your junior year in college, you've uncovered the keys to a balanced, purposeful, and fulfilling experience. From mastering academics to crafting a path for your future career and nurturing personal growth, your junior year is a dynamic phase that requires intention, dedication, and resilience. Embracing these challenges and opportunities with a strategic mindset has the power to transform your college journey into a transformative chapter that propels you toward your post-graduation aspirations.

Remember that the pursuit of academic excellence goes hand-in-hand with nurturing your personal well-being. Balancing rigorous coursework with self-care is a skill that will serve you well beyond graduation, enabling you to manage the demands of a professional career and a fulfilling personal life. Your efforts in honing effective study techniques, time management skills, and seeking support have laid the foundation for lifelong learning and growth.

The roadmap to your future career is now clearer than ever. Armed with insights into goal setting, networking, experiential learning, and personal branding, you're poised to confidently navigate the transition from academia to the professional world. Your dedication to building meaningful connections, pursuing internships, and developing a distinctive personal brand positions you as a candidate of choice in your chosen field.

Personal growth has been at the heart of your junior year journey. The cultivation of life skills, self-care practices, leadership roles, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion has equipped you with the tools to thrive as an empowered and well-rounded individual. By setting and achieving personal goals alongside academic and career ambitions, you've demonstrated your capacity to create a harmonious blend of success and self-discovery.

As your junior year comes to a close, take pride in your accomplishments and the insights you've gained. The experiences you've embraced and the lessons you've learned will resonate far beyond graduation day. Your commitment to excellence, resilience, and personal growth has positioned you for a future that's not only successful but also deeply meaningful. Embrace the journey ahead with the same enthusiasm and dedication, and let your junior year stand as a testament to your remarkable capacity to excel and thrive.

Like this post? Check out my other posts on the college student’s life:

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How To Study For A Last-Minute Test

In this blog post, we will explore how to conquer a last-minute test using the right mindset, time management, study techniques, and maintaining a work-school balance.

Mastering Last-Minute Test Preparation: A Winning Mindset for Success

As students, we've all been there – the dreaded last-minute test that looms ahead, causing stress and panic. While procrastination is not ideal, life can sometimes throw unexpected challenges our way. The key to navigating such situations lies in adopting a proactive mindset and implementing effective study strategies. In this blog post, we will explore how to conquer a last-minute test using the right mindset, time management, study techniques, and maintaining a work-school balance.

1. Embracing the Right Mindset

The foundation of successful last-minute test preparation starts with adopting a positive and focused mindset. Instead of panicking or giving in to negative thoughts, embrace the challenge as an opportunity to showcase your capabilities. Remind yourself that you can still perform well by channeling determination and self-belief. Cultivating a growth mindset allows you to view challenges as a chance to learn and grow, increasing your chances of success.

2. Effective Time Management

When time is limited, every minute counts. Create a realistic study schedule, allocating time for each subject based on its weightage and your understanding of the topics. Break down the available time into smaller study sessions with short breaks in between to maintain focus and prevent burnout. Avoid distractions during these sessions by turning off social media notifications and dedicating your full attention to studying.

3. Strategic Study Techniques

With limited time, it's crucial to adopt efficient study techniques that maximize information retention and understanding. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

a. Prioritize: Identify the key topics and concepts likely to appear on the test. Focus on these first to ensure you cover the most important material.

b. Active Learning: Engage actively with the content by summarizing, asking questions, and making connections to real-life examples. This will help you retain information better.

c. Mnemonics and Visual Aids: Use mnemonic devices and visual aids like flashcards, mind maps, and charts to reinforce memory recall and understanding.

d. Practice Questions: Solve sample test questions or past papers to familiarize yourself with the test format and to gauge your readiness.

4. Creating a Suitable Study Environment

Your study environment significantly impacts your productivity and focus. Find a quiet and comfortable place to study, free from distractions. Ensure adequate lighting and ventilation to maintain alertness during your study sessions. A clutter-free workspace can also help reduce stress and keep your mind clear.

5. Balancing Work and School Responsibilities

Last-minute test preparation becomes even more challenging when you're juggling work and school responsibilities. To strike a balance:

a. Communicate: Inform your employer and professors about your situation, seeking any possible adjustments to your workload or deadlines.

b. Set Priorities: Establish priorities between work and school. Allocate time for both, ensuring you don't neglect either aspect completely.

c. Utilize Breaks: Make use of short breaks during work to revise key concepts or solve a few practice questions.

6. Staying Healthy and Rested

Amid the pressure of last-minute studying, it's crucial to take care of your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep to consolidate your learning and enhance memory retention. Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated, as these factors impact cognitive function and focus. Regular exercise can also help reduce stress and keep your mind sharp.

While last-minute test preparation may seem daunting, it is possible to overcome this challenge with the right mindset and effective study techniques. Embrace a positive attitude, manage your time wisely, adopt strategic study methods, create a conducive study environment, and maintain a balance between work and school responsibilities. By focusing on your preparation and taking care of yourself, you can approach the test with confidence and increase your chances of success. Remember, it's not just about the time you have; it's about how you use it effectively.

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Laundry Tips For College Students

Laundry should not be a daunting task; it’s manageable with a little planning and organization. In this post, we’ll explore some of the essential laundry tips for college students. From separating clothing to folding tips, you’ll learn how to keep your clothes clean and fresh while saving time and money.

College life comes with its own set of challenges. One of these challenges involves doing laundry. It can be frustrating to find clothes that are dirty or not fresh when you need them most. Laundry should not be a daunting task; it’s manageable with a little planning and organization. In this post, we’ll explore some of the essential laundry tips for college students. From separating clothing to folding tips, you’ll learn how to keep your clothes clean and fresh while saving time and money.

Use A Process To Sort Clothes

The first step in doing your laundry is sorting your clothes. Separate whites, darks, and colors to avoid bleeding or discoloration. You can also divide clothes by fabric type, such as towels, sheets, and delicates. This process may require extra time, but it will prevent any damage to your clothes during the washing process.

Choose the Right Detergent


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Using the right laundry detergent is essential for getting your clothes clean and keeping them fresh. Look for laundry detergents that are easy to use, affordable, and effective at removing stains, dirt, and odors. You can also consider detergent with fabric softener to avoid the need for a separate fabric softener product.

Wash Clothes Correctly

To ensure that your clothes get quality clean, read the care label on the clothes, and follow the instructions. Use the appropriate washing cycle, which could be warm or cold water, depending on the clothing. For heavy stained clothes, use a pre-wash cycle. Be sure to use the right amount of detergent to avoid a soapy residue from appearing on the finished load of laundry.

Dry Clothes Correctly

The way you dry your clothes can affect their quality. Use the right temperature setting on your dryer or consider air-drying your clothes. Use dryer balls or fabric softener sheets to soften clothes and reduce static cling. After removing clothes from the dryer, fold or hang them to avoid wrinkles and odors.

Fold Clothes Correctly


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Folding clothes can be a tedious task for many college students. But, it’s essential to fold clothes to reduce wrinkles and maintain their shape. Invest in hangers for shirts, jackets, or dresses, and keep them buttoned up to prevent them from stretching out while hung. For t-shirts, fold them using the KonMari or Marie Kondo method. If you’re struggling to fold any clothing, consider watching a YouTube tutorial, and you’ll be fine.

By now, we’ve already explored some of the essential laundry tips for college students to consider. Doing your laundry can be stress-free with the right tools, techniques, and attitude. The key is to stay organized, separate your clothes, choose the right detergent, wash clothes correctly, dry clothes in a proper manner, and fold clothes in little time. With these tips, you’ll keep your clothes looking clean and fresh for the duration of the college semester while saving time and money.

Feeling nervous about going away? Check out my post about how to deal with Anxiety About Going Away To College!

For more tips on packing for college, check out my Packing List For College here!

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Overcoming Anxiety About Going Away to College

You might find yourself anxious about leaving your family, friends, and familiar surroundings behind to embark on a new adventure. Overcoming anxiety about college is essential if you want to make the most out of this life-changing opportunity. In this blog post, we’ll share a few tips on how you can diminish your anxiety and have the best college experience.

Going away to college and leaving the comforts of home to start a new chapter in life can trigger feelings of anxiety and fear. You might find yourself anxious about leaving your family, friends, and familiar surroundings behind to embark on a new adventure.

Overcoming anxiety about college is essential if you want to make the most out of this life-changing opportunity. In this blog post, we’ll share a few tips on how you can diminish your anxiety and have the best college experience.

Acknowledge Your Anxiety

The first step in overcoming anxiety about going away to college is acknowledging that you’re feeling anxious. Understand it is normal to feel nervous about leaving your comfort zone. Denying your anxiety will only make it worse. Talk to a trusted friend or family member to help you process your feelings and find ways to cope.

Plan Ahead

One way to minimize anxiety about going away to college is to plan ahead. You can prepare for college early in three ways: researching your chosen university, planning your schedule, and packing your essentials. Also, attending orientation events can help give you a sense of familiarity with campus life and ease anxiety before the school year starts. Know that the more you plan, the more in control you’ll feel.

Build a Support Group

Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of friends and mentors can help you overcome anxiety about going away to college. Joining clubs, organizations and taking part in social events are excellent ways to connect with like-minded people. You’ll also find support through your participation. Your struggles and successes with a supportive community can help you stay motivated and feel less alone on your journey.

Embrace Change

Going away to college is a significant life change. While change can be scary, embracing it can make it a positive experience. Look at this opportunity as a chance to explore your interests, develop new skills, and meet new people. It’s normal to not feel 100% comfortable right away; but before long, you’ll settle into your new routine.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is crucial in managing anxiety about going away to college. Take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise, meditation, and mindfulness practices can help you manage your feelings and stay grounded. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and avoiding substances and behaviors that are harmful to your health can go a long way in helping you overcome anxiety.

It’s normal to feel anxious about going away to college; but with the right mindset and strategies, you can turn this change into a positive experience. Remember to acknowledge your anxiety, plan ahead, build a support network, embrace the change, and practice self-care. You are about to embark on a journey of personal and academic growth. Using the right tools for yourself will help you make the most out of this opportunity.

Feeling like your anxiety is lying to you? Check out my post about it here!

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Packing Smart: How Much Clothes To Pack For College

Packing Smart: How Much To Pack For College

Packing for college can be an overwhelming task, especially for deciding what clothes to bring. You don’t want to over-pack and clutter your dorm room, but you need enough clothes to last you through the year. So how do you find the right balance? This blog post will guide you through packing for college and help you determine the ideal amount of clothing to bring.


The first step in determining how much clothing to pack for college is to assess your lifestyle. Do you dress up every day for class, or do you prefer a more casual look? Do you play sports or work out? Understanding your everyday routine will help you gauge the clothing you will need. For example, if you plan to work out, you’ll need more athletic wear than someone who doesn’t exercise often.

The climate of your college town is another factor to consider when deciding what clothes to pack. If you’re attending school in a colder environment, invest in warm jackets, sweaters, and boots. Pack lightweight clothes and comfortable sandals if you’re attending school in a warmer environment. Remember to pack items that can transition between seasons, like a denim jacket that can go from summer to fall.


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Use vacuum-sealed bags or collapsible storage to maximize space in your dorm. You can also save space by packing clothes that can be mixed and matched, like solid-colored t-shirts and jeans. Instead of packing multiple bulky sweaters, bring one or two that can be combined with other clothing items.

Most colleges have on-campus laundry facilities, but you’ll still need to decide how often you’ll be doing laundry. Your wardrobe size determines if once-a-week laundry suffices. However, if you’d prefer to do laundry less frequently, you may need to pack more clothes. You’ll also need to bring laundry detergent and dryer sheets.

Last, don’t forget to pack special occasion attire. Formal attire may be required for events or interviews. Depending on your style, this could mean packing a suit or a cocktail dress. Whatever you plan to bring, make sure it’s something you’ll feel confident and comfortable wearing.

Stress-free college packing is possible. Assessing your lifestyle and climate, using space-saving techniques, preparing for laundry, and packing special occasion attire can help you bring the right amount of clothing while avoiding clutter. Remember to pack clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident so you can focus on your studies and enjoy your college experience.

Check out my post for How To Do Laundry: College Student Edition!

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Investments For The College Student

Here’s a list of items for the average college student, and that I wish I’d known were essential at the START of the year.

Here’s the thing.

We pack - for a trip, for a vacation, for COLLEGE - and we think we do our best, but there’s always that one thing that’s missing. One thing we should’ve brought or bought over something else.

This isn’t going to be the complete college packing list of your dreams; but rather everything that I didn’t think about bringing with me to my dorm at the start of the year. All of these I ended up buying thorughout the school year because of one bad experience or another. Let me tell you, I can’t IMAGINE life without any of these objects now. Every day, these things are coming in clutch.

So, let’s dive right in. Here’s a list of items for the average college student, and that I wish I’d known were essential at the start of the year. Click on the button for a link to browse and buy.


2-in-1 Ice and Heat Pack

It seems simple, but it’ll become essential once you twist that ankle walking all around campus. I suggest a pack that can handle both temperatures - I actually have two of these packs in my mini fridge, and it only takes thirty second to warm them up.


Snuggly Sweatshirt

If you run cold-blooded like me, and/or have a roommate who turns the AC way up at night, then this is a must! I wore it every night in the winter, and even on the days we had a blizzard and they refused to cancel class for some reason.


Quality Pens

An experienced note-taker knows it’s not just about the quality of our handwriting that allows us to have Mona-Lisa-esque notes; it’s also the types of pens we use. Personally, I need a pen that will bleed well enough considering I use light pressure and I tilt my hand at an odd angle. I’m left-handed as well, so it definitely needs to not smudge. Here’s my favorite brand you can find on Amazon.


Quality Notebook with Dividers

I like to separate my notes by classes, subjects, topics, etc., but I don’t need to be lugging around seven 8x11 notebooks in my backpack all day. Here’s a smaller size I use that includes dot grids instead of basic lines. This also allows me to draw images or graphs in my notes, which look cleaner because the basic blue lines aren’t underneath them.


Multiple Chargers

Okay, this seems pretty basic. What I’m specifically talking about is the features. Get a block that has two ports for your laptop and phone. Get a cord that’s at least six feet long, ESPECIALLY if your dorm comes with a loft and you know you want to use your phone in bed!

Earbuds + Headphones

Personally, I need both for different circumstances. One is more accustomed for classes while the other is better accustomed for studying in the library. People don’t bother me when I’m wearing my headphones and they make me feel less anxious when I’m walking, but the earbuds cancel out more noise and I can wear them in the shower and at night without them hurting. Here’s the link to a quality pair of headphones on Amazon. Here’s a link to the earbuds; and for their quality, the price is a INSANELY great deal!



You’ll need to accept bringing an umbrella everywhere you go. I mean, jump in the puddles if you want to, but you know you’ll want to cover your backpack (which is carrying your laptop, your wallet, and other not-waterproof items) when it’s pouring outside. It might be good to have a poncho as well - trust me, nobody’s going to make fun of you when you’re getting to classes on time and they’re coming in late and half-soaked.


Travel Kit

In a very general sense, it’s good to have back-ups of toiletries. You never know how late you’re going to stay at the library, or if you’re going to stay at a friend’s dorm because your roommate’s having their partner over, or if you’re going to walk out of a three-hour lab in the basement not smelling that great. Just a little baggy in your backpack’s side pocket is fine.


Tide Pens

Laundry sucks at college; sometimes there’s a line, sometimes the floor is sopping wet, and the dryers in my building never fully dry my clothes. Ever. If you need to get rid of one stain on a shirt for tomorrow, then you shouldn’t be paying $1.50 for that. Get a couple Tide pens and a good freshener, and that should be enough to tide you over until your mom can help you out next weekend.


Folding Laundry Board

I can’t do laundry for anything. It was my least favorite chore growing up, and it always will be. This board makes it so much easier to put away my clothes, because I don’t have any reason to stuff shirts in the bottom drawer when this board can fold all of them in less than twenty minutes.

Pairing Accessories

Part of looking good and feeling good is to know how to build a sense of personal fashion. This is important to create while in college, for many reasons: a) your sense of style was likely changing anyway from what you were wearing in high school, b) building a style will make it easier to know how to dress for the career you’re pursuing, and c) creating a style that builds on few but simple fashion choices makes it easy to budget when shopping.

Take myself, for instance: in the winter, I wear over-sized sweaters almost every day. This makes it easy to buy and care for just one quality pair of leggings, because my personal touch is focused on the top, not the bottom. I own two pair of boots - one is geared more towards style while the other is for comfort. I have five different winter hats because I wanted different colors, so I got them cheap from a thrift store. On the opposite hand, I have one quality pair of gloves, because I chose comfort over style in that category.

Do you see what I mean? It also makes it easier to organize your smaller-than-you-think dorm closet.

There you have it! I hope these tips help and your adventure into the next stage of your life goes smoothly.

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